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Staff Trax


What a great feeling it is when something great happens in one’s day. Each week I write an inspirational “Monday Motivation” for the wellness storefront I manage. Coming up with something different each week can be challenging at times.

Some examples of quotes are, "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it," “All you can do is your best,” and “I believe in my ability…

Partners in God’s Promise

One of my favorite Christian authors, Kathleen Norris, writes that sacrament of holy baptism “occurs once, but its consequences unfold over a lifetime.”

The insight reminds me of a story about a rabbi who asked his disciples, “What is the greatest sin of all?” As you might imagine, the question provoked a heated debate among the rabbi’s disciples. One group was sure the sin was…

The Signs of Epiphany

This Sunday we will celebrate the Magi giving their precious gifts to Jesus, as we prepare for the season of Epiphany. Did you know that many countries celebrate gifts from the Magi instead of Santa? Children in Latin America write letters to the Magi detailing their good behavior and asking for presents, while children in Spain leave straw in their shoes by the door for the Magi’s horses on the…

Giving is a Blessing

The best part of the Christmas season is giving to others. I think most everyone agrees with that statement. Even small children that love to receive gifts at Christmas still get excited when they can shop for a gift for a family member like a parent or grandparent. When we adopt a family or provide a gift to one person in need it makes us feel good inside. We are doing something good for someone…

Worshipping Anytime, Anywhere

If anything good has come out of the pandemic, it is the ability to worship anytime, anywhere. Prior to March 2020, for most churches, if you were not able to attend worship on a Sunday, you missed it.

In March 2020, churches shut their doors rather abruptly and had to come up with innovative ways to worship, not only on Sundays but for Easter, Christmas, and other major holidays. Prior…


This has been a year with all sorts of unexpected events. Some were good and some were not-so-good. It has also brought more clarity to how precious life is.

Treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time ... and remember that time waits for no one.

Enjoy life, don’t worry about the future.…

Hurry Up and Wait?

Advent can be a frustrating time for those of us who do not like to wait. After all, we have things to do, people to see, and places to go during the holidays. In addition, we have been culturally conditioned to expect instant gratification. Microwaves, fast-food options, drive-through lanes, self-checkouts, and smart phones all feed our need for speed. We can even pay extra at amusement parks and…

Grateful List

Thanksgiving is my favorite. No extra performances or gifts, just food, family, friends, and focusing on being thankful. Here’s my grateful list:

Happy, healthy kids: Each of my kids started a new level of school this year. In the years between toddlers and teenagers, the question is always, “What do I do to help this kid become a nice human?” As they grow, their influences…

House of Worship

Worshipping in church used to be the most common place to express our glory to God. When we mentioned church, we meant that on Sunday we would get in the car and go to church. If we were lucky enough to live close by, we would walk to worship.

This changed suddenly when the pandemic hit. People began worshipping from home to stay safe. However, there was always something missing from watching…

Keep the Faith

(Jesus said) “When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; for these things must take place first, but the end will not follow immediately.” Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and plagues; and there will be dreadful portents and great signs from heaven.


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