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Room To Spare!

A couple of weeks ago, Jill and I went to Austin to visit our daughter and son-in-law. We had such a good time with them, and to be honest, we didn’t really do a whole lot except spend time with them relaxing and enjoying catching up on everything happening in our lives. I think part of what made it so relaxing and fun is their house. Up until a couple of years ago, they owned a very tiny condo. It literally had a bedroom and bathroom, a sitting area, and a very small kitchen. When you visited them, you actually came in thorough their bedroom. It was all they could afford at the time, and it was great for the two of them and their dog, but it wasn’t very welcoming for visitors. Whenever Jill and I would go visit them, we had to stay in a hotel because there was no room for us in their condo.

Now they have a home big enough for guests to come and stay. We have our own bedroom, there is a lot of room in the family room for us to sit with them and talk, watch TV, or listen to music, and a gorgeous yard to enjoy. They have room to cook meals for their guests, and so much more. The house is definitely bigger than the two of them need, but they wanted to be able to welcome guests and, of course, Jill and I hope someday there will be room for grand kids, too.

In our Gospel text for this Sunday, May 14 (John 14:1-14), Jesus begins by saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also” (14:1-3). These are words of comfort that Jesus offers us. He wants us to know that, no matter what, his Father’s house is so big there is room for everyone, even us.

I know there are times in all of our lives when it seems like there just isn’t room for us; for example, when we are dealing with a serious illness and it feels like no one can understand or help us. When we have family disputes, it often seems like no one cares. There are times in our careers when it seems like our superiors and/or co-workers do not value us or want us around. And, of course, for many of us, as we get older, it seems like the world is just passing us by.

But today Jesus says: Know this, in God’s house, there is room for everyone, and he means everyone. Our job, as Christians, is to let the world know this and to invite others, even others who do not believe, to come and experience God’s offer. My prayer this week is that each of you know that in God’s house there is not only a place for you, but there is room to spare, so I pray you also take the time to remind others that God’s house is for them, too.

Shalom, Pr. Dave

Tags: Weekly Word