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​Talents Shared!

This Sunday will be the last time Tyler Garrison plays guitar in our band. He is pursuing his dream of traveling abroad, and heading to Prague next week to become certified to teach English as a second language. I am so happy for him, and feel incredibly blessed to have worked with him for 3 years at Salem.

Did you know that Salem has five talented guitarists who are members? Three of them attend the 8:00am service, two of them play every month for the praise service and every week for Oasis worship, and two of them will cover our guitar needs for the 9:15am and 10:30am services. I am grateful to all of them for offering their talents so that we can continue to provide meaningful and uplifting music at Salem.

I never cease to be amazed at the talent that comes from our pews, and the willingness to share it! We have such a large group of adults and youth who always say “yes!” when I ask if they will lead us. One of the reasons they do is that our congregation is so very supportive, cheering everyone on, no matter their experience. I’ve had so many adults tell me how they would never have the courage to stand in front of people and lead, as they watch others encouraged to speak and sing with joy. Especially for our children and youth, the experience they have leading at Salem gives them so much confidence, and they feel the love you give as you show your enthusiasm for the sharing of their talents.

Thank you to all who give so generously to make our worship meaningful at Salem. And thank you, Tyler Garrison, for 3 years of incredible guitar playing at Salem! You will be a wonderful blessing to others as you have been to us.We wish you well as you pursue your dreams!

Heather Lewis
Director of Music and Worship

Tags: Weekly Word