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Go, Live An Abundant Life!

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). In contrast to most things in this world that attempt to rob us of life, Jesus calls these things, or people, the thieves and bandits, Jesus says, he comes to give not just life, but life in abundance. Jesus isn’t talking about just staying alive, no, Jesus said he comes so that we might live a life in which we flourish and in which we experience joy. I don’t know about you, but that is good news to my ears and to my heart. I don’t just want to be alive, I want to live life to its fullest.

Now, Jesus does not tell us what exactly he means by abundant life, but if we take a look at the entire text from which this story comes, we can get an idea. Jesus is actually responding to the big “stink” he created when he healed the man born blind. This story actually begins back in Chapter 9 and after Jesus healed the man, if you remember, the Pharisees were furious and they questioned the man as to exactly who this man was who healed him. They called the man’s parents in to question them and they were so afraid that they would get in trouble for supporting Jesus that they told the Pharisees that the Pharisees would have to ask their son what happened as he was an adult. Because this man who had been born blind, but, now had a new life, was speaking well of Jesus, the Pharisees “drove him out” of the community (John 9:34). The Pharisees then found Jesus and challenged him. They wanted to know who Jesus was and by whose authority he was doing such things to which Jesus offers the response we read today. Jesus comes to offer abundant life, and for this man who was blind, abundant life was sight. With his new sight, he was released from his dependence on others and freed to experience new opportunities.

But, this abundant life Jesus speaks of is different for each of us. If you are a single parent, abundant life might be companionship, or just having help with some of the daily grind. For the student who is constantly being bullied, abundant life might be finally being accepted by a someone you can call “friend.” For those neighborhoods in the city that are literally in a food desserts, because no grocery stores will build there, abundant life might be having a grocery store nearby. For the person with cancer, or any disease, abundant life might be discovering that the disease has finally gone into remission. Abundant life looks different in different places and to different people, but it always comes as a response to whatever seeks to rob the children of God of life.

You know, when Jesus was baptized, God spoke and he instructed the disciples to “listen to him,” but today we are invited to do more than simply listento Jesus. Today we are invited to actually live into his promise of abundant life. How do we do that you ask? By walking with Jesus, as Cleopas and the other disciple did last week and joining in on his mission to bring abundant life to all of God’s children. To do this we need to pay attention to what, or who, these bandits are that are robbing us of the life God intended for us. That means, of course, that we must first pay attention to what is robbing not only ourselves, but others of life, and then, as Jesus did, we are invited to stand with them against those forces so that they might have, not just life, but life in abundance.

You say you don’t know such people. What about all those people who live in poverty in our own community who go to work every day, just like you and I, but who do not earn a livable wage. Oh, they have life, but not abundant life. Maybe we should stand with them and seek a livable wage for everyone. Or, what about those whose sexual orientation are different from the mainstream and so they are denied access to programs, work opportunities, faith communities, etc., maybe we should find ways to stand with them.

If we just take the time to look around, we will see that Jesus is at work all around us and he is inviting us to assist him in bringing abundant life to the world. Our Pantry Pack Ministry and Children’s Memorial Ministry bring abundant life to those who need it. Many of you participate in other organizations that seek to bring abundant life, and today we are challenged to do this every day, everywhere we go.

Abundant life isn’t some promise about some distant eternal life. No, it is a concrete invitation to discover life right now by extending it to those around us. Abundant life and happiness are not goals for which we strive, but instead they are byproducts of living as Jesus taught us to live.

Now, if you were here last week, you know I told you that today we would hear about our summer challenge. Yes, last week we were encouraged to take a walk with Jesus, but today, our challenge is deeper and a little more difficult. As you know, summer is right around the corner, and for many of us that means some changes in our lives. We will be spending more time outside our homes going to parks, lakes, taking picnics, taking walks, going on trips and traveling, literally, all over the world. So, your challenge today is to go and offer abundant life wherever you go.

Earlier in the Gospel of John, Jesus said, “let anyone who is thirsty come to me…” (7:37). As you go about your busy summers, go and be Christ in this world and offer the life-giving water that you are called to offer. And as you do this, we are asking that you take pictures and send them to us with your story. These pictures and stories may be about something you did, or they may be something that you witnessed. Go discover Christ in the world and be part of his mission.

Now to remind you and help you do this, everyone will be receiving one of these water bottles during our sending this morning. Take this bottle with you wherever you go, fill it with water, and each time you use it, or share it, remember that abundant life is not only yours, it is for you to give away as your Lord and Savior gave it to you. In each bottle will be the instructions as to where to send your pictures and stories and then I encourage you to keep in touch through our website as we post the pictures and share the stories all summer.

I look forward to you sharing your stories not only on line, but when you come here each Sunday, as well. I can’t wait to hear how Christ appeared to you on your journeys, whether far away, or right here in town. I can’t wait to hear about the abundant life you experience and the abundant life you will offer others. Go experience and share your abundant life. Amen.

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